Plan, set goals & go with a Grafix Wall Planner

‘My home is a circus, and I’m the clown juggling work with kids, social events, appointments, elderly parents, you name it.’

Does that describe you?

And what about your own personal goals – how’s that going for you this year? Marie Kondo’d your underwear drawer yet? Yeah, right, I hear you mutter.

Lurching from week to week, task to task, without much thought about how we can really maximise our days are a surefire way to kill time. And we wonder why we never seem to have enough of it!

But take the time to plan your week and you’ll take back control of your time – day by day.

The simple act of writing down appointments, meeting times, even goals and objectives that you want to achieve that day will instantly help you feel more organised. Ok, you might procrastinate on some of the tasks but you’re made a commitment to do them, right?

Planning tools are nothing new. There’s the good old-fashioned paper diary, which tends to work fine – when you remember to open it each day.

And the calendars on iPhone and Google are great, except they can be fiddly, and you need a bit of techie geekiness to really make them effective. And don’t even mention sulky Siri!

The yearly wall planner, you know, the poster type you tack on the wall is probably the most useful – everything’s there at a glance. But they can look cluttered and messy and the bland office-y design looks just downright amateurish. And what’s with the tiny spaces to write in, and excess stuff up the side? Oh, and news flash: Ballpoint pens don’t work when you write up the wall with them!

Whiteboard vinyl wall planners from Grafix Wall Art are a game-changer

Nice big streamlined spaces to write down everything you need for each day, making it easier for you – and the family – to see what needs to be done over a week, over a month. They’re a great solution too if you run your business from home and want an effective, easy to read planning tool

The special liquid whiteboard pen has a nice precise nib which makes it easy to write down clearly what needs to be done. Why not buy a whole pack of pens and take your planning to a whole new level by colour coding your tasks? The pens are opaque and water based, so you just simply wipe the ‘board’ clean with a damp cloth when you’re finished.

Once you’ve chosen the ideal spot for your planner – a wall in the study or even down one side of the corridor would work – the whiteboard vinyl is as easy to install as it is to peel off.

A weekly or monthly blackboard decal will help families stay organised.

Available from Grafix Wall Art for under $60, these decals look great in the kitchen (plenty of space to write daily must-do tasks, with a shopping list up the side).

Your average teenage grappling with the concept of time management and study timetables would also benefit from having one in their room. Like the whiteboard, each Grafix chalkboard decal comes with a free special liquid pen, making it easy to wipe down and use, week after week.

Calendar blackboard

And let’s not forget meal planning…

How much money and time do you waste by calling into the supermarket after work because you have no idea what to cook for dinner or haven’t pulled anything out of the freezer? Worse still, maybe you eat too many takeout dinners simply because there’s no plan in place, you’re tired, the kids are hungry and the local Thai does a good, but expensive, green curry?

Meal planning needn’t be complicated – if you have a handy blackboard menu you can simply write down the basic outline of each meal, which will make putting together a shopping list easier.

You (and the rest of the family) will know exactly what you’re having for dinner, what needs defrosting and what prep needs to be done. Sorted. Best of all, you’ll feel more organised and hopefully save a bit of money and lose a few kilos along the way. High fives all round!

Menu Blackboard

Brainstorm your creative project

And while we often think massive blank white boards belong in offices, schools and advertising agencies, they’re a pretty neat and powerful resource at home too. Why not help your child achieve their dreams by discussing the steps they’re going to need to get there – then writing them on the wall to keep them inspired and motivated?

Grafix’s whiteboard or chalkboard vinyl can be customised to fit your wall measurements – with prices starting at $65 a square metre, you can use the handy calculator here to work out how much it will cost you. It’s super easy to apply – you just peel off the backing paper and stick it to your wall. If you make a mistake? No problem! It’s easy to reposition – you lift and move the 1.2m wide panels while applying and it comes with a special adhesive to ensure no unsightly bubbles.

And while you’re at it, why not personalise it with an inspirational quote to really get them fired up? (As the Grafix team like to say, there’ll be a decal for that!)

Our favourite is this one from French children’s writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery: ‘A goal without a plan is just a wish.’