Promotional floor prints

  • extremely easy and bubble free to apply due to the “easy dot” adhesive technology, even when applied by an untrained person
  • print and cut to shape
  • suitable for indoor use up to 3 months
  • removes easily without residue

Product Features

  • Slip resistant – R9 certified (IFA DIN 51130), after being printed with our Latex inks
  • Fire classification according EN 13501-1

Print n Walk Floor Graphics


Create a visual presence with our slip-resistant floor graphics suitable for indoor and high foot traffic areas.

These promotional prints will highlight your products and grab attention from passing traffic.

And even better they are easy-to-apply with our bubble-free technology and easy-to-remove with out leaving residue.

From $120 per square metre

Contact us for your individual requirements.

Accepted file formats:- pdf, jpeg,png,eps,ai,psd,tif,tiff

(max file size 2 GB) Clear